Rii Forum 2025 | Competitiveness, growth and well-being through technology, innovation and education


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Please, pick a Track# of your choice, based on the content of your paper. If you are uncertain, please, leave us a note. Following the registration process, panels will be formed.
Important note on On-line participation: depending on the number of papers accepted for Rii Forum 2024, the online presentations will be scheduled a few days before the on-site event, i.e. April 08 & 09, 2024.
Important note on On-line participation: depending on the number of papers accepted for Rii Forum 2025, the online presentations will be scheduled a few days before the on-site event, i.e. April 21 & 22, 2025.
Please, note, check the Rii Forum 2023 policies to pick the most appropriate option. In general, for online participation, only the corresponding author is required to issue the CFPs. Onsite participation is directly linked to the actual number of delegates attending the event. Group registration will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
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