Rii Forum 2025 | Competitiveness, growth and well-being through technology, innovation and education


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promoting inclusion, well-being, and social cohesion through music education

el sistema greece

Founded in 2016, the El Sistema Greece (ESG) applies a pioneering educational model that utilizes music to foster creativity, promote social and emotional well-being, among children and youth of diverse background, including migrant communities. Thanks to the dedication of professionals, children and youth, young musicians, from these communities are given the opportunity to engage in structured, skills’ enhancing music-oriented and music-education driven projects, which culminate in the Annual Christmas Gala Concert, and other concerts. By engaging those young people in goal-oriented joint practice and musical performance, their self-esteem is boosted and they are empowered. Their families, and respective broader communities, are also brought closer together, thus fostering inclusion, respect, and well-being at the local community level.

el sistema greece on youtube

The El Sistema Greece educational approach is inspired by El Sistema Venezuela. The latter was founded in 1975 by José Antonio Abreu and subsequently was adopted in more than 70 countries around the world. El Sistema Venezuela was recognized by UNICEF for its effectiveness in combating and preventing juvenile delinquency. Building on that experience and expertise, El Sistema Greece strives to promote maximum social inclusion of students to enhance safe and meaningful communication between young people from diverse social backgrounds, while at the same time providing high quality music education. Students have the opportunity to participate in group instrumental, choir, and orchestral classes where they explore self-expression, creativity, and teamwork.

Since its establishment in 2016, the El Sistema Greece succeeded in bringing together young musicians from more than 40 countries. 686 students were involved directly performing on stage, while several other individuals, including parents, caregivers, and renown artists were involved indirectly. 32 concerts were successfully performed. The El Sistema Greece collaborates with international and local educators and artists in view of providing the young musicians with inspiration, to foster their creativity, and to promote cultural exchange.

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