Rii Forum 2025 | Competitiveness, growth and well-being through technology, innovation and education


Competitiveness, growth and well-being through technology, innovation and education

TRACK 1: The AI revolution and its implications for business and society
Track chair: Yves Wautelet, Ph.D., Research Centre for Information Systems Engineering (LIRIS), Brussels Campus, KU Leuven, Belgium

Panel 1.1. AI-readiness within public- and private-sector organizations
Panel 1.2. AI and its potential benefits for collectivities and citizens in the Global North and Global South
Panel 1.3. AI and policy making: strategy, public policy, industrial policy, and innovation emergence
Panel 1.4. Ethical and socio-economic challenges for AI use and adoption
Panel 1.5. The AI-energy sustainability nexus

TRACK 2: Leveraging digital transformation in education: from course content, through instruction, to managerial implications
Chair: Anna Visvizi, Ph.D., SGH Warsaw School of Economics & Institute for Hellenic Growth & Prosperity (IHGP), ACG

Panel 2.1. Digital technology, education and sustainability

Convenor: Francesca Loia, Ph.D., University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

The objective of this panel is to examine the role of, on the one hand, digital technology and related innovations, and, on the other, innovative educational practices in the education system, from a sustainability perspective. The discussion in the panel will focus on cutting-edge technologies, data-driven approaches, and strategies that enhance the education system to promote a vision of sustainability. This panel explores the effect of emerging technologies, applied in the education system, on society, companies, and institutions, in light of the sustainability goal. This panel, thus, covers research aimed at investigating new learning approaches in information and communication technology (ICT) that will facilitate the improvement of affective skills and the development of transversal skills for lifelong learning, as well as for the new generation who, when they enter the world of work, will find digital technologies to be a key aspect of all career paths.

Keywords: digital technology, eduation, innovation in education, approaches to teaching and learning, career

Panel 2.2. Quality assurance, market needs, and stakeholders

We leave this set of ideas open to your consideration. Quality assurance, accreditation bodies, accreditation schemes play a crucial role in the process of globalization of education. Experience suggests, however, that ‘hiccups’ do happen. THe objective of this panel is to explore the up- and the downsides of these issues and to seek ways of navigating the challenges. 

Panel 2.3. Talent management and human-centric leadership in higher education institutions

Educated and conducting research in management, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, social psychology you are aware of the ways in which talent could be managed more effectively in HEIs. While leadership plays a role in this context, several other factors (organizational, cultural, other)  weigh in the analysis too. The objective of this panel is to talk about these issues.

Panel 2.4. Developments on the ground: making sense of case-studies in higher education

Tell us what you see, how you feel, and make the effort of identifying “what is it an instance of”. Rather than complaining, be critical and constructive. Hence, contribute to the conversation on how to make HEIs a good place to work, also for the faculty. 

TRACK 3: Smart society: cities, urbanism, platforms, participation
Chairs: Higinio Mora, Ph.D., University of Alicante, Spain & Raquel Perez-del-Hoyo, Ph.D., University of Alicante, Spain

Panel 3.1. Smart urbanism, architecture and design

Convenor: Shahira Razek, Ph.D., Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt

The objective of this panel is to offer a critical insight into how technology-driven advances in construction materials, AI-enhanced software employed to design public facilities, public space and housing, and AI-enhanced engineering facilitate the process of meeting the imperatives of sustainability and well-being today. The discussion in the panel will focus on challenges related to urban heating and cooling, transportation infrastructure, materials, and others.

Keywords: smart urbanism, design, architecture, materials, heat islands, well-being, optimization 

Panel 3.2. Breakthrough technologies for the government and the public sector

 Convenor: Emanuel G. Boussios, Ph.D., Hofstra University, USA The objective of this panel is to explore how breakthrough technologies influence the government and the public sector in the performance of day-to-day activities, serving the public and the private sectors, and creating value. The discussion in the panel will also focus on the question of how breakthrough technologies impact the surveillance and monitoring capacity of the government in relation to the optimization of certain government functions and policies. Conversely, the challenge of the surveillance of the sovereign by third actors will also be raised. Keywords: technology, applications, implications, government, public sector, surveillance, whistleblower, cyber security

Panel 3.3. Smart society and its contexts: mental well-being amidst digital transformation

Convenor: Jolanta Klemens, M.D.,PsychoMEDICAL, Poland

The objective of this panel is to discuss the key modern challenges to mental well-being that those in our societies, including children, young people, and the elderly, face today. The discussion in the panel will showcase how technology-driven advances in diagnostics, pharmaceutical treatment, and innovative approaches to patient care may alleviate several of the challenges and implications that individuals, their families, and entire societies face.

Keywords: mental well-being, psychiatry, treatment, innovation, pharmaceutics, therapy, environmental psychiatry, implications  

Panel 3.4. Democracy, trust, governance

Convenor: Marek Bodziany, Ph.D. (dr hab.), Land Forces Academy (AWL), Poland

The objective of this panel is to query how the classic notions and concepts of democracy, trust, and governance, play out in a context tainted by disruptive technology and its uncertain impact on politics, economics, and society. The discussion in this panel will explore classic and contemporary perspectives on democracy, trust, and governance – also seen from the angle of safety and security.

Keywords: democracy, trust, governance, safety, security, migration, public order, collaboration

TRACK 4: Innovation management for human-centric and sustainable digital transition
Track chairs: Orlando Troisi, Ph.D., University of Salerno, Italy & Vincenzo Corvello, Ph.D., University of Messina, Italy

Panel 4.1. Rethinking innovation ecosystems through data-driven management

Convenor: Mara Grimaldi, Ph.D., Research Fellow, University of Salerno, Italy The objective of this panel is to examine the variety of multi-disciplinary questions related to innovation emergence in data-driven ecosystems. The discussion will focus on ways in which data-driven strategies, technologies and infrastructures influence value and knowledge creation/acquisition and utilization in view of rendering public and private organizations sustainable.

Keywords: data-driven management, ecosystems, transformation, human-centricity, value, knowledge, innovation, social innovation

Panel 4.2. Smart entrepreneurship for breakthrough innovation and sustainability in public and private organizations

Convenor: Antonio Botti, Professor, University of Salerno, Italy

The objective of this panel is to examine the interplay of innovation and entrepreneurship as a lens for rethinking conventional ways of managing companies in a green and digital era. By reimagining the organization from the inside out and considering the integration of digital technologies and human-centricity in the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship, the discussion will focus on the question of how to foster smart and sustainable entrepreneurship today.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship, innovation opportunities, opportunity creation, human resources management, talent management

Panel 4.3. Advances in event management and smart tourism

Convenors: Alessandro Baroncelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy & Alessandro Siviero, SUPSI and Utrecht University, the Netherlands

The objective of this panel is to examine the role of, on the one hand, digital technology and related innovations and, on the other hand, innovative event management practices, in shaping the tourism and hospitality industries, also in view of increasing the degree of personalization and sustainability thus offered. The discussion in the panel will focus on cutting-edge technologies, data-driven approaches and strategies that enhance guest engagement, satisfaction, and sustainability.

Keywords: digital technology, event organization, event management, best practices, event experience, smart tourism, personalization, customization, sustainability, innovation, research collaboration, tourism, hospitality

Panel 4.4. Medicine and healthcare in context of the twin digital & sustainability transitions

Convenor: Jolanta Klemens, M.D., PsychoMEDICAL, Poland

The objective of this panel is to explore issues and topics that emerge at the intersection of healthcare and innovation management in medicine today, including product, service, and process innovation. Traditionally discussed in disciplinarily secluded settings, questions of innovation promotion, management and application in the medicine and healthcare clusters need to be discussed as a part and parcel of the broader debate on human-centric, value-driven, and sustainable innovation management. Join this panel to do just that.

Keywords: innovation management in medicine, healthcare, stakeholders, clinical trials, business model innovation (BMI), public and private organizations, regulatory frameworks

Panel 4.5. Twin Transitions in Operations: Manufacturing, Logistics, Projects, and New Product Development

Convenor: Ilda Maria Coniglio, University of Calabria, Italy & Antonio Cimino, University of Salento, Italy. 
This objective of this panel is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to engage in discussions, share insights, and explore best practices necessary in view of reconciling the twin transition in the field of operations’ management. By understanding how these two critical shifts intersect and influence each other, it will be possible to unlock new strategies and opportunities geared toward achieving operational excellence in manufacturing, logistics, project management, and new product development.

Keywordsgreen transition; digital transition; innovation; operations; manufacturing; logistics; project management; new product development

TRACK 5: Regulation, investment, and accounting for the twin technology and sustainability transitions
Track chair: Maciej M. Sokołowski (PhD, DSc) (dr hab.), Keio University, Japan/University of Warsaw, Poland

Panel 5.1. Energy transition

Convenor: dr hab. Maciej M. Sokołowski (PhD, DSc), Keio University (Faculty of Policy Management) / University of Warsaw (Faculty of Law and Administration)

The aim of this panel is to address the challenges of energy transformation worldwide. The discussion will cover measures and tools for reaching net zero by 2050 and highlight the role of its actors (states, international organizations, companies, and NGOs). The key focus will be on conducting energy transition in a just way, in which no one is left behind, and energy policy failures can be omitted or mitigated. Keywords: energy transformation, net zero 2050, just energy transition, energy policy failures

Panel 5.2. Energy communities & smart cities 

Convenor: Anna Visvizi, PH.D., SGH Warsaw School of Economics

The objective of this panel is to explore the regulatory and legal approaches to energy supply and energy consumption in today’s societies, including the imperatives of increasing energy efficiency and minimizing externalities. The discussion will focus on best practices and nascent challenges related to just and sustainable energy transitions across the globe. Keywords: energy, energy transitions, smart cities, prosumers, regulatory frameworks

Panel 5.3. Sustainability-ESG and impact investing

Convenor: Andrew Buks, MBA Program Director, School of Business at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota, US The objective of this panel is to explore investing practices, in which investors seek financial returns while also seeking environmental and social value. The discussion will focus on public and private market opportunities, while integrating ESG-based investing and impact investing strategies. Keywords: ESG, impact investing, climate investing, ESG integration, engagement/shareholder action, activist investing, private equity

Panel 5.4. Accounting for the future

Convenor: Gennaro Maione, Ph.D., University of Salerno The objective of this panel is to investigate the complexity of and the potential inherent in modern accounting and reporting practices in view of fostering human-centric innovation &environmental value. The discussion will focus on how intrinsic and extrinsic incentives, including accounting and reporting practices, can boost innovation management capacity in public & private organizations, thus leading to a more equitable, sustainable, and human-centric world. Keywords: innovation management strategies; environmental reporting; community-based renewable energy projects; ESG metrics; innovation management and decision-making; case-studies

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