Rii Forum 2025 | Competitiveness, growth and well-being through technology, innovation and education


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All researchers and academics wishing to present their research at Rii Forum are requested to fill the registration form and submit the abstract of their paper. There is no restriction on how many paper proposals you will submit. Please, note, however, that specific rules regulate the issue of the conference registration fee and presentation policy.


The abstract is the basis for assessing a paper proposal for acceptance. All abstracts are reviewed by members of the Steering and the Academic Committees, comprising of at least three academics for each discipline. Should your abstarct be accepted, you will receive a notification email, along with a proforma invoice; this will enable you to continue with the registration porcess. Please, note that the deadlines indicated on the proforma invoice are binding. 


You may present one paper during the conference, unless you co-author another paper and your co-author registered and payed the conference participation fee (CPF) too. To register to the conference, please, fill the registration form. Following your abstract acceptance, you will receive a proforma invoice and will be able to pay the CPF. With regard to on-site participation, group registrations (for co-authors representing the same institution) are possible. Please, ask for details.   


Research & Innovation Forum is held in a hybrid mode, thus enabling on-site and on-line participation. Depending on the number of abstracts/papers submitted to be presented in the online mode, to ensure quality of the delivery and feedback, including discussion, the presentations and discussion may be scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of the week during which the on-site presentations taka place. 


All papers presented at Research & Innovation Forum, subject to a double-blind peer review process, will be published in the Rii Forum proceedings; published by Springer, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Please, check the publisher’s website for details of the previous Rii Forum proceedings. In addition, in line with what has become a good tradition, the Rii Forum Steering Committee have ensured that several other publication opportunities are open to the Rii Forum delegates. Details will be shared with all delegates in due course. You may also contact us directly at info@rii-forum.org




The Rii Forum organizers are not responsible for the security of any registrant, nor for their personal belongings. All registrants accept and acknowledge that neither the Rii Forum organizers nor the venue maintains insurance covering any property and/or liability, and it is the sole responsibility of the registrant to obtain insurance.
For security purposes, all participants must sign in at the registration desk on site, and collect and wear theirname badge for the duration of the event.



Rii Forum organizers are not responsible for your personal travel, accommodation or food/beverages duringthe event.



You are entitled to a seven-day cooling-off period, starting on the day that Rii Forum organizers receive your registration fee. During this period, you have the right to cancel and receive a full refund. After the seven-daycooling-off period and before midnight Athens time on the registration deadline, you may cancel yourregistration and still be eligible for a refund of 50% of your registration fee.

Cancellations/withdrawals after the registration deadline are not eligible for a refund. Refunds will be made using the same method as the original payment. No refunds will be made should your paper be rejected by reviewers in the process of the double-blind review process.


Rii Forum organizers will comply with all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force, includingthe General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive2002/58/EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended.  For details, please, visit the Data Use & Protection site

Contact us at info@rii-forum.org
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